


Custom Fur Armor Price List

You call yourself a hunter, now prove it. Hiding in the wilds of Solstheim are the elusive white snow bears and snow wolves. It is said their fur can protect against the most frigid cold. Kill these beasts, claim their pelts, and you could be the proud owner of...



Imagine beautiful light white fur armor, made from the pelts of Solstheim's mysterious snow wolves and snow bears. Never before have I forged such armor, because nobody has been skilled enough to bring down enough of the beasts. Could you be the first?

Kill the beasts, bring me their pelts and enough gold, and I'll craft the best light armor found on Solstheim or anywhere else.



Snow Bear Cuirass: 5 snow bear pelts and 6000 gold

Snow Bear Left Pauldron: 2 snow bear pelts and 1000 gold

Snow Bear Right Pauldron: 2 snow bear pelts and 1000 gold

Snow Bear Left Gauntlet: 2 snow bear pelts and 1000 gold

Snow Bear Right Gauntlet: 2 snow bear pelts and 1000 gold

Snow Bear Greaves: 4 snow bear pelts and 5000 gold

Snow Bear Boots: 3 snow bear pelts and 3000 gold

Snow Bear Helm: 2 snow bear pelts and 2000 gold


Snow Wolf Cuirass: 5 snow wolf pelts and 6000 gold

Snow Wolf Left Pauldron: 2 snow wolf pelts and 1000 gold

Snow Wolf Right Pauldron: 2 snow wolf pelts and 1000 gold

Snow Wolf Left Gauntlet:2 snow wolf pelts and 1000 gold

Snow Wolf Right Gauntlet: 2 snow wolf pelts and 1000 gold

Snow Wolf Greaves: 4 snow wolf pelts and 5000 gold

Snow Wolf Boots: 3 snow wolf pelts and 3000 gold

Snow Wolf Helm: 2 snow wolf pelts and 2000 gold

Ведущий: Antrix
Прошлая команда: DJ_Kovrik, Santera
Дизайн: G-Ray

Bottom Branding Finish -->


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