


36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 19

The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec: Sermon Nineteen

Vivec put on his armor and stepped into a non-spatial space filling to capacity with mortal interaction and information, a canvas-less cartography of every single mind it has ever known, an event that had developed some semblance of a divine spark. He said, 'From here I shall launch my attack on the eight monsters.'

Vivec then saw the moths that would come from the starry heart, bringing with them dust more horrible than the ash of Red Mountain. He saw the twin head of a ruling king who had no equivalent. And eight imperfections rubbed into precious stones, set into a crown that looked like shackles, which he understood to be the twin crowns of the two-headed king. And a river that fed into the mouth of the two-headed king, because he contained multitudes.

Vivec then built the Provisional House at the Center of the Secret Door. From here he could watch the age to come. Of the House is written:

Cornerstone one has a finger

Buried under, pointing through

Dirt, slow low in the ground

North cannot be guessed,

And yet it is spirit-free

Cornerstone two has a tongue,

And even dust can be talkative,

Listen and you will see the love

The ancient libraries need

Cornerstone three has a bit of string,

Shaped like your favorite color,

A girl remembers who left it there

But she is afraid to dig it out,

And see what it is attached to

Cornerstone four has nine bones,

Removed carefully from a black cat,

Arranged in the fashion of this word,

Protecting us from our enemies

Your house is safe now

So why is it--

Your house is safe now

So why is it--

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

Ведущий: Antrix
Прошлая команда: DJ_Kovrik, Santera
Дизайн: G-Ray

Bottom Branding Finish -->


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